On Wednesday, February 12, 2014, Dr. Adrienne Kertzer, Advisor to the President on Women’s Issues, from the University of Calgary will present highlights of her report on Mentorship, Service and Culture of Leadership.
Her focus will be on gender representation and training around equity issues as BPW Calgary members come together to participate in a special tribute to the International Federation of Business and Professional Women uniting women around the world.
In addition, as part of the International Women’s Day (IWD) speaker series Executive Director of Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society, Brigitte Baradoy, will discuss the impact of social policy on domestic violence.
The annual candle lighting ceremony conducted at BPW clubs globally is a symbolic event to recall the past accomplishments of women and honour today’s achievements. Join us as we celebrate the outstanding women in our community.
REGISTER ONLINE by Wednesday, February 5, 2014 using the form to the right. Also note our dinner location and cancellation policy in the sidebar. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email them to [email_info] after completing your online registration.
Just use the form in the sidebar at right to register for this month’s dinner.