Tasha Giroux, our keynote speaker on Equal Pay Day, from the Royal Bank of Canada will inspire our mentorship graduates on June 11. This will also be our year-end celebration with Melanie Leonard, orchestra conductor, as we come together with our family, friends, and colleagues.
We invite you to participate in the silent auction by donating as well as bidding and purchasing items of all budgets. All proceeds from the silent auction will go towards BPW Calgary’s Scholarship program. Local scholarships are awarded to Bow Valley College Students who demonstrate high academic standing and single-handedly lead their own households and families.
To donate an item (or professional service), please email Suzan Davies at [email_info]. Kirsten Glowa, Silent Auction Coordinator, will be in touch with donors to manage the collection and storage of their products or services.
REGISTER ONLINE by Wednesday, June 4, 2014 using the form to the right. Also note our dinner location and cancellation policy in the sidebar. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email them to [email_info] after completing your online registration.
Just use the form in the sidebar at right to register for this month’s dinner.