On November 14th, BPW Calgary plans to observe the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women to raise public awareness of one of the most widespread human rights abuses in all countries. Come and witness firsthand how a woman can be exploited, made vulnerable and feel marginalized in our own backyard while being stripped of her basic human rights.
Dinner Speaker and Blanket Drive
Marvie Giordano, owner of The Consignment Gallery, will share her personal experiences at the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter Services and her relentless journey to success in business.
We will be collecting new blankets for HUGS (Hope Uplifts Giving Strength) to make a difference in the lives of women and children who need to feel warmth,comfort, and security, while they go through a difficult time and strive to lead lives free of violence and abuse.
Send your dinner RSVP by November 7th to info@bpwcalgary.com to reserve your spot or REGISTER ONLINE. Please note our dinner location and cancellation policy.
Coming in December…
Holiday gifts for the Adopt-a-Family Program will be collected on December 12th for the Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary so that we can encourage a single mother through the holiday season as she copes with her children’s wish lists. You can view the wish list and sign up to bring individual items at the November dinner meeting.