Join BPW Calgary and bring a young dinner guest who has career aspirations as we celebrate the first International Day of the Girl with the theme “Strong Girls, Strong Canada: Leaders from the Start” on October 10, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. The Government of Canada led the international community in establishing this day and United Nations has declared this day to be the first globally.
Dr. Ursula Steele, principal at the Alice Jamieson Girls’ Academy, will share research conducted by Datnow and show how their educational program strives to be the perfect training ground for girls to become ambassadors and strong leaders.
BPW Calgary will accept contributions to their girls’ scholarship program as well as provide a forum where girls can communicate their aspirations and women can articulate their success stories to engage girls in leadership roles and strengthen their economic prosperity. It will be an evening that will inspire us along with our daughters, nieces, students and friends.
RSVPs must be submitted by October 3rd to reserve your spot. Now you have the option to RSVP and pay for dinner in advance using your credit card. Try it out now using the link on the About page (or you can still email your RSVP to
The deadline for application forms to be submitted by BPW members to the Mentorship program is October 10. We will launch the new blanket drive – HUGS (Hope Uplifts Giving Strength) – to make a difference in the lives of women and children who need to feel warmth, comfort, and security, while they go through a difficult time. New blankets will be collected on November 14th.